
Addis Ababa 2015

Ethiopian Covenant Gospel Church (ECGC) Preaching by Pastor Tesfaye Haile

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የየሱስ ቤተክርስትያን
Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.



Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.


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የጌታ መስቀል
Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.


God Speaking His Word

God Speaking His Word
Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.


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የጌታ መስቀል
Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.


የጌታ መስቀል

የጌታ መስቀል
Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.


የየሱስ ቤተክርስትያን

የየሱስ ቤተክርስትያን
Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.


የክርስቶስ መስቀል

የክርስቶስ መስቀል
Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.


The Prophet Ermias

The Prophet Ermias
Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.


Last Days II

Last Days II
Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.


Last Days I

Last Days I
Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.


ቃሉን በማስተዋል

ቃሉን በማስተዋል
Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.


God Speaking Through His Word

God Speaking Through His Word
Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.


Ye Yesus Bete Kristian

“Ye Yesus Bete Kristian” from Addis Ababa 2015 by Tesfaye Haile. Released: 2015. Genre: Gospel.
Amharic teachings by Pastor Tesfaye Haile.


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Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.

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