Ethiopian Covenant Gospel Church (ECGC) is made up of members who willingly commit themselves to the authority of the Word of God. The Church’s name is a reflects the medium of language and culture through which we conduct our worship and service. The Church’s identity is not formed from our collective ethnic or culture identity. Our life and the faith is expressed and reflected in and through the language and the culture we share.
The existence and purpose of ECGC is found in the Person of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Church’s aspiration and desire is to present itself as the body and bride of our Savior. Through the sanctifying blood of our Lord, the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, and the nurturing grace of the Word of God we are motivated to live a life that can bring glory to our God and Savior.
Our identity and unity is created through a common faith in the message of the Gospel. The sustaining power of our unity comes from a belief that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and the Holy Spirit the life of the Church.
Pastor Tesfaye Haile